Friday, May 31, 2013

Makhani Sauce - Chef Rodricks


(For Paneer, Butter Chicken, Vegetables)


1 Kg Red Plump Tomatoes cut into cubes
1 Table Spoon Oil
250 Grams Butter
7-8 pieces of the Green Cardamom
3 -4 Pieces of Mace
1 Table Spoon Chopped Garlic
Half Ginger cut into Juliennes
4 Green Chillies De-Seed and Chopped
Half Tea Spoon Kashmiri Chilli Powder
Salt to Taste
One Cup Fresh Cream
One Pinch Green Cardamom Powder
One Table Spoon Honey
Half tea Spoon dried Fenugreek leaves


In a Hot Sauce Pan add oil and One tablespoon butter.  Add the Cardamom, Mace and Garlic and Saute`it.  Add Tomatoes and cook till it is soft.

Take the Tomatoes and grind it in a grinder nicely to a fine puree.

Wash the pan and heat it again.  Adding the rest of the butter without Burning it.  Add chopped Chilli and Ginger and saute` for a few seconds.  Strain the Tomato puree and add into the pan.  Put the chilli powder, salt and cook for 10 mins till the tomatoes stop tarting.  Add Honey, cream and finish with fenugreek leaves.

The Makhani Sauce is ready and you can add Tandoori Chicken or Vegetables or Paneer or what ever else you like.

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